Welcome to our Social Media feed and Videos Page!

Our 2022 summer camp was truly outstanding with perhaps the best weather we've ever had! Super hot and sunny every day!

The teens formed 2 teams and chose their own team names: The Jupios and The New Buddies. They competed against each other in all sorts of fun challenges and games all week long. The final score ended up really close; but in the end The Jupios succeeded in edging out and winning with 3,430 points against the New Buddies 2,930.

Lots of canoeing, low ropes challenges, swimming, campfires, camp wide day games and our renowned night games for the teens to compete and show their spirit every day. And Our Camp’s Got Talent Variety Night Show and the last night Camp Disco Dance were again such great hits.

Please check back later this fall/winter for a slide show video of our 2022 Camp.

We are looking forward to a fantastic 2023 summer camping season and can't wait to see old friends and welcome new ones to our camping family.

See you at Camp summer!!!

Scroll down and below you will find a number of Video-Slideshows from our past Camps over the years.

Again in 2019, as you will see in each the video-slideshow below, those Pesky Pirates of the North Atlantic AGAIN raided our Camp EACH WEEK on spaghetti supper night and stole all of our silver and cutlery that day - so that campers had to eat with just their mouths – and with NO HANDS either!

And AGAIN that summer we had to contend with Zombie attacks each camp session as well!

And again each year our uber fantastic CITs and Junior Counsellors organized and ran our crazzzy and fun Carnivals on each of the last days of Camp as well as they ran numerous amazing night games.

Our Camp's official theme song is “Be One in a Million” - as you will hear in our 2016 Camp’s video-slide show. We think the words and music are absolutely fantastic and are such an appropriate and great fit for our Camp! Again we want to express our sincerest thanks and great appreciation to the extraordinary Canadian composer and singer Jeen O’Brien, who has graciously given us her permission to use her wonderful song “Be One in a Million”.

We hope you enjoy our video-slide show and would love to hear from you with your comments!

To see our video-slide show of wonderful memories from our 2016 summer Camp, just click on the picture below:

And to see the slide-video of wonderful memories from our 2015 summer Camp, just click on the link below:

Click here for the 2015 Adventure Camp Challenge Slide-Video Show

And to see the slide-video of wonderful memories from our 2014 summer Camp, just click on the link below:

Click here for the 2014 Adventure Camp Challenge Slide-Video Show

Kindly please note all the media, images and artwork on this website are protected and copyrighted and many not be reproduced without the written permision of the Camp operator, Pathways Adventure & Challenge Camping Society.


Social Media Feeds:

Place your cursor on our Facebook or Twitter Social feeds below and then scroll down to see our most recent posts. To see our Instrgram pictures, click on our logo or the bagheeracampdirector links above the Instagram picture.

Our Social Media feeds are such a great way to be at Camp with us and share our camplife during each of our camping sessions!




Adventure Camp Challenge is an Accredited Camp by:

  • the Camping Association of Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island canspei.ca

  • the Canadian Camping Association ccamping.org